Clubfoot Shoe in Hyderabad near me
CTEV Shoe manufacturers in nallakunta hyderabad
Antivarus ctev shoe for clubfoot
clubfoot shoe ctev shoe
Dennis browne splint for clubfoot
Dennis Browne Splint/Shoe are designed to be used to help maintain correction in babies with Clubfoot and Metatarsus Adductus.These helps in preventing relapses, when the last plaster cast is removed a Dennis Browne splint must be worn full-time The splint consists of a bar (the length of which is the distance between the baby's shoulders) with high top open-toed shoes attached at the ends of the bar in about 70 degrees of external rotation. The baby may feel uncomfortable at first when trying to alternatively kick the legs. However, the baby soon learns to kick both legs simultaneously and feels comfortable. In children with only one clubfoot the shoe for the normal foot is fixed on the bar in 40 degrees of external rotation
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